Job Description List fields:
- JDMJobDescHistoryID: Unique identifier for the job description history.
- JDMJobID: Unique identifier for the job.
- CompanyJobCode: Code uniquely identifying the company job.
- CompanyJobTitle: Title or name of the company job.
- LastUpdateDate: Date and time when the job description was last updated.
- LastUpdateByUName: Username of the person who last updated the job description information.
- LastUpdateByEmail: Email address of the person who last updated the job description information.
- IsActive: Indicates whether the job description is currently active or not.
- CompanyJobDescStatusDesc: Description of the status of the job description. E.g. Approved
- ApprovedDate: Date when the job description was approved.
- ApprovedByUName: Username of the person who approved the job description.
- JobFLSAStatusDesc: Description of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) status of the job.
- JobLevel: Level to which the job belongs.
- JobFamily: Family to which the job belongs.
- JDMUDFDLST01 to JDMUDFTXS99: These are user-defined fields for storing additional data related to the job description.
Job Description Details fields:
- JDMJobDescHistoryID: The unique identifier for the job description history.
- JDMJobID: The unique identifier for the job.
- CompanyJobCode: Code uniquely identifying the company job.
- CompanyJobTitle: Title or name of the company job.
- JobFamily: Family to which the job belongs.
- CompanyJobDesc: Description of the company job.
- JobLevel: Level to which the job belongs.
- JobFLSAStatusDesc: Description of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) status of the job.
- CompanyJobSummary: A concise summary or overview of the job.
- Experience: The required or preferred level of experience for the job.
- CompetencyNames: The key competencies or skills required for the job.
- Skills: The specific skills or abilities required for the job.
- ReportsTo: The position or person to whom the job directly reports.
- CertificateLicenses: Any certifications or licenses required for the job.
- ManagePeople: Indicates whether the job involves managing people or teams.
- EducationDesc: The required or preferred level of education for the job.
- TimeSpents: The amount of time typically spent on various tasks or responsibilities associated with the job.
- TierCode: A pay market code indicating the tier or level of the job within the organization's hierarchy.
- TierDesc: A pay market description of the tier or level of the job within the organization's hierarchy.
- JobFocus: Focus to which the job belongs The primary focus or area of responsibility for the job.
- JobFunction: Function to which the job belongs The specific function or role of the job within the organization.
- ApprovedByUName: The username of the person who approved the job description.
- ApprovedDate: The date on which the job description was approved.
- LastUpdateByUName: The username of the person who last updated the job description.
- LastUpdateByEmail: The email address of the person who last updated the job description.
- LastUpdateDate: The date of the last update to the job description.
- IsActive: Indicates whether the job description is currently active.
- PublishedByUName: The username of the person who published the job description.
- PublishedDate: The date on which the job description was published.
- CompanyJobDescStatusCode: The status code of the job description within the company's system.
- CompanyJobDescStatusDesc: A description of the status of the job description.
- JDMUDFDLST01 - JDMUDFDLST100: User-defined custom fields, dropdown list type fields.
- JDMUDFDMLST01 - JDMUDFDMLST100: User-defined custom fields, Multiple dropdown List type fields.
- JDMUDFLST01 - JDMUDFLST100: User-defined custom fields, list type fields.
- JDMUDFTBL01 - JDMUDFTBL40: User-defined custom fields, table type fields.
- JDMUDFTXL01 - JDMUDFTXL120: User-defined custom fields, text single line type fields.
- JDMUDFTXS01 - JDMUDFTXS120: User-defined custom fields, text multiple line type fields.
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