Field DefinitionsReturns all employees in the CompAnalyst account. All employees and all employee fields are returned by default in a single response body.
Authorization: Bearer {AccessToken}
TierCode: only return employees in the specific pay market.
EntityID: only return employees in the specific organization entity.
EmployeeCountryCode: only return employees in the specific country.
Refer to Employees
curl --request GET \ --url --header 'Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>'
[ { "EmployeeID": "1888", "EntityID": null, "DepartmentID": "Materials Handling", "FirstName": "Quinn", "LastName": "Errico", "EmploymentStatusCode": "ES01", "CompanyJobCode": "MATHANDA1", "CompanyJobTitle": "Materials Handler I", "StructureCode": "MARKET", "StructureName": "Market", "SalaryPlanCode": "AUT", "SalaryPlanName": "Austin", "GradeCode": "1", "GradeName": "01", "RangeTypeCode": 1, "RangeTypeName": "Grade Range", "SalaryRangeMin": 12.9808, "SalaryRangeMid": 16.3462, "SalaryRangeMax": 19.7115, "ReportToEmployeeID": null, "Email": null, "BaseSalary": 8.5300, "Bonus": 8161.5040, "IsExempt": false, "IsOTEligible": null, "AnnualWorkHours": 2080, "EmployeeSupervised": null, "HireDate": "2022-09-01T00:00:00", "SigningBonus": 1774.2400, "EmployeeCity": "Austin", "EmployeeStateCode": "TX", "EmployeeCountryCode": "USA", "EmployeeZipCode": null, "CurrencyCode": "USD", "IsActive": true, "PerformanceNum": 3.00, "TierCode": "Austin", "BonusTargetPercent": 0.46000, "BirthDate": "1993-03-23T00:00:00", "Notes": null, "TotalDirectCompensation": 25903.9040, "TotalLTIValue": null, "DateStartedJob": "2022-09-01T00:00:00", "TerminationDate": null, "SiteCode": null, "GenderCode": "M", "EthnicityCode": "Asian", "ShiftCode": null, "IsSalaried": false, "PerfRatingScaleCode": "USA", "LastReviewDate": null, "NextReviewDate": null, "FixedPay": 18317.2538, "Allow": 574.8538, "TGP": 22740.4341, "AVP": 8161.5040, "TVP": 8161.5040, "TEC": 30901.9381, "PerfRangeNum": null, "LastUpdatedBy": "Robin Scheuerle", "LTIValuationType": null, "OptionValue": null, "RestStockValue": null, "PhantStockValue": null, "SARValue": null, "PerfUnitValue": null, "PerfShareValue": null, "LTCashValue": null, "OtherLTIValue": null, "TargetLTIValue": null, "LTIPercentBase": null, "SalaryEffectiveDate": null, "SurveyCode": null, "IndustrySegment": null, "LTIEligible": null, "AllowanceEligible": null, "CarEligible": null, "LTIRSUEligible": null, "LTICashEligible": null, "HighestDegreeAttained": null, "EmploymentStatus": null, "WorkLocation": null, "Race": "Asian", "Location": null, "YearsOfPriorRelatedExp": null, "EducationCode": null, "IsRemoteWorker": false, "IsUnion": true, "CertificationsLicenses": null, "Skills": "Forklift Operation|||Material Handling", "PENotes": null, "IsExcludedByPEA": false, "County": null, "Benefit": null, "FourZeroOneK": null, "OtherRewards": null, "MedicalEE": 363.7192, "DentalEE": 104.6802, "VisionEE": 37.2590, "LifeEE": 243.0709, "ADDEE": 228.8770, "STDEE": 1334.2285, "LTDEE": null, "FICATaxSocialEE": 204.0376, "FICATaxMedicareEE": 207.5861, "MedicalER": 1765.3688, "DentalER": 266.1360, "VisionER": 177.4240, "LifeER": 395.6555, "ADDER": 115.3256, "STDER": null, "LTDER": null, "FourZeroOneKER": 546.4659, "TuitionReimbER": 823.2474, "PhoneReimbER": 53.2272, "FICATaxSocialER": 193.3922, "FICATaxMedicareER": 86.9378, "UDF_TestString": null, "LTI1": null, "LTI2": null, "LTI3": null, "LTI4": null, "LTI5": null, "LTI6": null, "LTI7": null, "LTI8": null, "LTI9": null, "LTI10": null, "LTI11": null, "LTI12": null, "LTI13": null, "LTI14": null, "LTI15": null, "LTI16": null }, { "EmployeeID": "1894", "EntityID": null, "DepartmentID": "Materials Handling", "FirstName": "Laverne", "LastName": "Syverson", "EmploymentStatusCode": "ES01", "CompanyJobCode": "MATHANDA1", ... } ]