EmployeeID: int - Required field that provides a unique identification code of the employee.
EntityID: nvarchar(20) - Defines what CompAnalyst entity that the employee is classified under. Entities are used to define CompAnalyst user access, if employee data is to be deemed accessible only to certain users.
DepartmentID: nvarchar(200) - Field that specifies employee department identification (ID).
FirstName: nvarchar(1000) - The first name of the employee.
LastName: nvarchar(1000) - The last name of the employee.
EmploymentStatusCode: nvarchar(10) - The status code indicating the employment status of the employee. Full Time=ES01/Part Time=ES02.
CompanyJobCode: nvarchar(100) - The unique code assigned to the job within the company's system. This field is required.
CompanyJobTitle: Company Job title for this company job code, calculated by company job table in CompAnalyst.
StructureCode: nvarchar(100) - The structure code associated with the employee.
StructureName: The structure name of the structure code, calculated by salary structure defined in CompAnalyst.
SalaryPlanCode: nvarchar(100) - The salary plan code associated with the employee.
SalaryPlanName: The name of the salary plan, calculated by salary structure defined in CompAnalyst.
GradeCode: Grade code for an employee, , calculated by salary structure and company job of this employee defined in CompAnalyst.
GradeName: The name of the grade of the employee, calculated by salary structure defined in CompAnalyst.
RangeTypeCode: The code or identifier for the type of salary range defined in CompAnalyst, calculated by salary structure and company job of this employee defined in CompAnalyst.
RangeTypeName: The name of the range type, E.g. grade range/job range, calculated by salary structure and company job of this employee defined in CompAnalyst.
SalaryRangeMin: The minimum value of the salary range, calculated by salary structure and company job of this employee defined in CompAnalyst.
SalaryRangeMid: The midpoint value of the salary range, calculated by salary structure and company job of this employee defined in CompAnalyst.
SalaryRangeMax: The maximum value of the salary range, calculated by salary structure and company job of this employee defined in CompAnalyst.
ReportToEmployeeID: nvarchar(1000) - The identifier of the employee to whom this employee reports.
Email: nvarchar(1000) - The email address of the employee.
BaseSalary: money - Required field that specifies employee’s base salary. If this employee is Salaried, the number here should reflect their total annual base salary. (Refer to IsSalaried) If this employee is Hourly, the number here should reflect their base hourly rate. (Refer to IsSalaried)
Bonus: money - The bonus amount for the employee.
IsExempt: bit - Indicates whether the employee is exempt from certain labor regulations.1=Exempt; 0=Nonexempt.
IsOTEligible: bit - Indicates whether the employee is eligible for overtime pay.1=yes; 0=no.
AnnualWorkHours: int - The number of annual work hours for the employee.This should be total annual work hours regardless if the employee is Salary or Hourly.
HireDate: datetime - The date when the employee was hired.
SigningBonus: money - The signing bonus amount for the employee.
EmployeeCity: nvarchar(50) - Field that specifies employee’s working city.
EmployeeStateCode: nvarchar(50) - Specifies employee’s working state. Required field if country is USA.
EmployeeCountryCode: nvarchar(10) - Required field that specifies employee’s working country. Default value is 'USA', 3 digits country code.
EmployeeZipCode: nvarchar(10) - The working ZIP code of the employee.
CurrencyCode: nvarchar(10) - Required field used to designate what currency the compensation data is displayed in. Default value is 'USD'.
PerfRatingScaleCode: nvarchar(20) - The performance rating scale code for the employee, the precondition is the performance rating should be set up in the CompAnalyst.
PerfRangeNum: decimal(18,1) - Only use when your performance rating is set up as range. Field that specifies employee’s performance range number.
PerformanceNum: decimal(18,5) - The performance number of the employee, related to performance rating.
IsActive: bit - Indicates whether the employee is active.1=yes; 0=no.
TierCode: nvarchar(100) - Required field that links the employee to their appropriate market-pricing pay market. Must correspond to a previously specified value defined in CompAnalyst.
BonusTargetPercent: decimal(18,5) - Field that specifies employee’s bonus target percent.
BirthDate: datetime - Field that specifies employee date of birth.
Notes: nvarchar(500) - Field that specifies employee notes for CompAnalyst users.
TotalDirectCompensation: money - Field that specifies employee’s total direct compensation.
FixedPay: money - Field that specifies employee’s fixed pay.
Allow: money - Field that specifies employee’s allowance.
TGP: money - Field that specifies employee’s total guaranteed pay.
AVP: money - Field that specifies employee’s actual variable pay.
TVP: money - Field that specifies employee’s target variable pay.
TEC: money - Field that specifies employee’s total employment costs.
TotalLTIValue: money - Field that specifies employee’s long-term incentive value received.
DateStartedJob: datetime - The date when the employee started the current job.
TerminationDate: datetime - The job termination date of the employee.
SiteCode: nvarchar(200) - The code associated with the site where the employee works.
GenderCode: nvarchar(50) - The gender code of the employee.
EthnicityCode: nvarchar(200) - Field that specifies employee’s ethnicity. Coding system is based on user preference.
ShiftCode: nvarchar(100) - The shift code of the employee.
IsSalaried: bit - Required field that specifies if an employee is salaried. 1=salaried; 0=hourly.
LastReviewDate: datetime - The date of the employee's last review.
NextReviewDate: datetime - The date of the employee's next review.
LastUpdatedBy: nvarchar(100) - The user who last updated the employee record.
LTIValuationType: nvarchar(20) - Text Value describing Long-term incentive valuation type. Available options are as follows: