Get detailed information about a specific job within the company based on its unique job code. This endpoint allows you to fetch comprehensive details about a particular job within the company's database. Details include the job title, description, department, job level, and more.
Authorization : Bearer {AccessToken}
IncludeStructures: acceptable values are 1 or 0. Default is IncludeStructures=0. Set to 1 for detailed Structure, Salary Plan, and Grade Assignments.
Refer to Company Jobs
curl --request GET \ --url --header 'Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>'
The response is a JSON object containing various details about the job, such as its code, title, description, job family, and other relevant information.
200:OK - The request was successful, and the detailed job information is returned as expected.
{ "CompanyJobCode": "ACCT1", "CompanyJobTitle": "Accountant I", "JobFamily": "Accounting & Finance", "JobFunction": "Accounting", "JobFocus": "General Accounting", "JobLevel": "P1", "CompanyJobDesc": "Assists in maintaining financial records and ensuring that financial transactions are properly recorded. ", "JobFLSAStatus": "Exempt", "Department": "Finance", "EEOCategorycode": "1", "JobCode": "FA06000001", "JobMatchCode": "JM02", "JobAdjustment": 0.12, "JobAdjustmentComment": "NA", "PlansUsingDefaultPlan": "1", "StructuresUsingDefaultPlan": "1", "StrucutreAssignment": [ { "StructureCodeForGrade": "USAEXE", "GradeCode": "01" }, { "StructureCodeForGrade": "USNEXE", "GradeCode": "05" } ], "PlanAssignment": [ { "StructureCodeForPlan": "USAEXE", "SalaryPlanCode": "P1", "LTI1": "1", "LTI2": "0", "LTI3": "0", "LTI4": "0", "LTI5": "0", "LTI6": "0", "LTI7": "0", "LTI8": "0", "LTI9": "0", "IsBonusEligible": "1", "BonusTargetPercent": "0.2", "JobPoints": "3", "BasePhilPercentile": "0.5", "TCCPhilPercentile": "0.5", "SalaryRangeMin": "11111", "SalaryRangeMid": "22222", "SalaryRangeMax": "33333", "CurrencyCode": "USD", "DefaultComparisonCode": "2", "IsUseDefaultMarketData": "0", "CAMDCountryCode": "USA", "IndustryFamilyCode": "I00", "RangeTypeCode": "3", "RangeCode": "0", "GeoTypeCode": "33", "GeoCode": "0", "UDF_Plan": "C" }, { "StructureCodeForPlan": "USAEXE", "SalaryPlanCode": "P1", "LTI1": "1", "LTI2": "1", "LTI3": "1", "LTI4": "1", "LTI5": "1", "LTI6": "1", "LTI7": "1", "LTI8": "1", "LTI9": "1", "IsBonusEligible": "1", "BonusTargetPercent": "0.24", "JobPoints": "4", "BasePhilPercentile": "0.5", "TCCPhilPercentile": "0.5", "SalaryRangeMin": "25462.8", "SalaryRangeMid": "37895.9", "SalaryRangeMax": "40003.5", "CurrencyCode": "USD", "DefaultComparisonCode": "2", "IsUseDefaultMarketData": "1", "CAMDCountryCode": "USA", "IndustryFamilyCode": "I50", "RangeTypeCode": "3", "RangeCode": "0", "GeoTypeCode": "33", "GeoCode": "0", "UDF_Plan": "A" }, { "StructureCodeForPlan": "USAEXE", "SalaryPlanCode": "P2", "LTI1": "1", "LTI2": "0", "LTI3": "0", "LTI4": "1", "LTI5": "0", "LTI6": "0", "LTI7": "1", "LTI8": "0", "LTI9": "0", "IsBonusEligible": "1", "BonusTargetPercent": "0.5", "JobPoints": "3", "BasePhilPercentile": "0.5", "TCCPhilPercentile": "0.5", "SalaryRangeMin": "30138.8", "SalaryRangeMid": "36550.9", "SalaryRangeMax": "44283.5", "CurrencyCode": "USD", "DefaultComparisonCode": "2", "IsUseDefaultMarketData": "0", "CAMDCountryCode": "USA", "IndustryFamilyCode": "I30", "RangeTypeCode": "3", "RangeCode": "0", "GeoTypeCode": "33", "GeoCode": "0", "UDF_Plan": "B" } ], "Competency": [ { "CompetencyName": "Communication", "CompetencyDesc": "describe the competency", "TimeSpent": 0.2 }, { "CompetencyName": " Account Reconciliation ", "CompetencyDesc": "test", "TimeSpent": 0.8 } ], "UDF_job family group": "FIN" "JobTypeCode": 0, "AlterCompanyJobCode": null, "IsDraft": false, "AvgEmpSalary": 45600, "UID": "4354DA0C-D9DD-4927-8E17-907FBB", "LastUpdateDate": "2020-08-15T10:17:21.103" }
200: OK - the requested job does not exist in the system.
{ "WEBAPIStatusCode": 1, "WEBAPIStatusDesc": "This companyjob does not exist." }
404: Not Found - Invalid URL call used
{ "StatusCode": 41, "Reason": "Invalid WEB API" }