This endpoint allows you to add a new company job into the system.
Authorization: Bearer {AccessToken}
Content-Type: application/json
“CompanyJobCode” “CompanyJobTitle”
To add multiple structures, plans, grades, or competencies to a single job, ensure each assignment is passed as a JSON object. Please see below example request.
To add values to custom fields, use the UDF DB name e.g. UDFCmjTXS02. The DB name of UDFs is not exposed in the API. Please contact your Professional Services rep and request the DB name of each UDF and note it is API related.
Refer to Company Jobs
{ "CompanyJobCode": "ACCT1", "CompanyJobTitle": "Accountant I", "JobFamily": "Accounting & Finance", "JobFunction": "Accounting", "JobFocus": "General Accounting", "JobLevel": "P1", "CompanyJobDesc": "Assists in maintaining financial records and ensuring that financial transactions are properly recorded.", "JobFLSAStatus": "Exempt", "Department": "Finance", "EEOCategorycode": "1", "JobCode": "FA06000001", "JobTypeCode": "0", "JobMatchCode": "JM02", "JobAdjustment": 0.12, "JobAdjustmentComment": "NA", "PlansUsingDefaultPlan": "1", "StructuresUsingDefaultPlan": "1", "StructureAssignment": [ { "StructureCodeForGrade": "USAEXE", "GradeCode": "01" }, { "StructureCodeForGrade": "USNEXE", "GradeCode": "05" } ], "PlanAssignment": [ { "StructureCodeForPlan": "USAEXE", "SalaryPlanCode": "P1", "LTI1": "1", "LTI2": "0", "LTI3": "0", "LTI4": "0", "LTI5": "0", "LTI6": "0", "LTI7": "0", "LTI8": "0", "LTI9": "0", "IsBonusEligible": "1", "BonusTargetPercent": "0.2", "JobPoints": "3", "BasePhilPercentile": "0.5", "TCCPhilPercentile": "0.5", "SalaryRangeMin": "11111", "SalaryRangeMid": "22222", "SalaryRangeMax": "33333", "CurrencyCode": "USD", "DefaultComparisonCode": "2", "IsUseDefaultMarketData": "0", "CAMDCountryCode": "USA", "IndustryFamilyCode": "I00", "RangeTypeCode": "3", "RangeCode": "0", "GeoTypeCode": "33", "GeoCode": "0", "UDFCmjMNY01": "1111" }, { "StructureCodeForPlan": "USAEXE", "SalaryPlanCode": "P2", "LTI1": "1", "LTI2": "1", "LTI3": "1", "LTI4": "1", "LTI5": "1", "LTI6": "1", "LTI7": "1", "LTI8": "1", "LTI9": "1", "IsBonusEligible": "1", "BonusTargetPercent": "0.24", "JobPoints": "4", "BasePhilPercentile": "0.5", "TCCPhilPercentile": "0.5", "SalaryRangeMin": "25462.8", "SalaryRangeMid": "37895.9", "SalaryRangeMax": "40003.5", "CurrencyCode": "USD", "DefaultComparisonCode": "2", "IsUseDefaultMarketData": "1", "CAMDCountryCode": "USA", "IndustryFamilyCode": "I50", "RangeTypeCode": "3", "RangeCode": "0", "GeoTypeCode": "33", "GeoCode": "0", "UDFCmjMNY01": "2222" }, { "StructureCodeForPlan": "USAEXE", "SalaryPlanCode": "P3", "LTI1": "1", "LTI2": "0", "LTI3": "0", "LTI4": "1", "LTI5": "0", "LTI6": "0", "LTI7": "1", "LTI8": "0", "LTI9": "0", "IsBonusEligible": "1", "BonusTargetPercent": "0.5", "JobPoints": "3", "BasePhilPercentile": "0.5", "TCCPhilPercentile": "0.5", "SalaryRangeMin": "30138.8", "SalaryRangeMid": "36550.9", "SalaryRangeMax": "44283.5", "CurrencyCode": "USD", "DefaultComparisonCode": "2", "IsUseDefaultMarketData": "0", "CAMDCountryCode": "USA", "IndustryFamilyCode": "I30", "RangeTypeCode": "3", "RangeCode": "0", "GeoTypeCode": "33", "GeoCode": "0", "UDFCmjMNY01": "3333" } ], "Competency": [ { "CompetencyName": "Communication", "CompetencyDesc": "describe the competency", "TimeSpent": 0.2 }, { "CompetencyName": "Account Reconciliation", "CompetencyDesc": "test", "TimeSpent": 0.8 } ], "UDFCmjTXS02": "TEST" }
200: OK - The request was successful, the company job added to system successfully
{ "WEBAPIStatusCode": 0, "WEBAPIStatusDesc": "Success" }
200: OK - The request was successful, but the new added company job code exist in the system, no updates to the existing company job in the system.
400: Bad Request - The call parameter is incorrect or the parameter content is not match the format
{ "StatusCode": 400, "Reason": "Bad Request" }
404: Not Found – Invalid URL call used
{ "StatusCode": 41, "Reason": "Invalid WEB API" }