Match up to 200 jobs in a single request. The request fields are the same as for the single /jobpricing endpoint, with the addition of the “SubRequestID” field. The consumer must assign a unique SubRequestID to each individual job in the request.
This SubRequestID is returned in the response body in order to match each requested job to the response.
Authorization: Bearer {AccessToken}
Content-Type: application/json
[ { "SubRequestID": "string", "JobTitle": "string", "JobDesc": "string", "CompanyName": "string", "DataScope": { "CountryCode": "string", "State": "string", "City": "string", "ZipCode": "string", "NAICSCode": "string", "FTEValue": 0, "Revenue": 0 } }, { "SubRequestID": "string", "JobTitle": "string", "JobDesc": "string", "CompanyName": "string", "DataScope": { "CountryCode": "string", "State": "string", "City": "string", "ZipCode": "string", "NAICSCode": "string", "FTEValue": 0, "Revenue": 0 } } ]
Please reference “Field Definitions” and “Behavior” sections for detailed information about the fields and API behavior.
curl -X 'POST' \ '' \ -H 'accept: */*' \ -H 'Authorization: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJodHRwOi8vc2NoZW1hcy54bWxzb2FwLm9yZy93cy8yMDA1LzA1L2lkZW50aXR5L2NsYWltcy9uYW1laWRlbnRpZmllciI6IjA1NjE4Q0JBLTUzMzAtNEYxQi05NzI2LUY4OUQ2MkZCNTREMCIsImh0dHA6Ly9zY2hlbWFzLnhtbHNvYXAub3JnL3dzLzIwMDUvMDUvaWRlbnRpdHkvY2xhaW1zL25hbWUiOiJCRUQ0M0ZCMC1COUU1LTQ3ODAtOUNCRS01NTdFMUE2MUFDNzciLCJuYmYiOjE3MTM0NTY3ODUsImV4cCI6MTcxNDA2MTU4NSwiaXNzIjoiU2FsYXJ5IiwiYXVkIjoiSm9iTWF0Y2hBUElDbGllbnQifQ.Cy-TVOjmNZkD4jaSeoeOj_jX4x8H07X9VoRDQnSFTl8' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '[ { "SubRequestID": "1", "JobTitle": "Accountant I", "JobDesc": "", "CompanyName": "", "DataScope": { "CountryCode": "USA", "State": "MA", "City": "Boston", "ZipCode": "02111", "NAICSCode": "52", "FTEValue": 150, "Revenue": 0 } }, { "SubRequestID": "2", "JobTitle": "Accountant II", "JobDesc": "", "CompanyName": "", "DataScope": { "CountryCode": "USA", "State": "MA", "City": "Boston", "ZipCode": "02111", "NAICSCode": "52", "FTEValue": 0, "Revenue": 10000000 } } ]'
Note the SubRequestID in the example request corresponds to the SubRequestID in the response body.
200 HTTP Status Code
This response body corresponds to the example request above.
{ "Code": 1, "Data": [ { "SubRequestID": "1", "MatchRating": "Confident", "Salary10": 56553.7446, "Salary25": 62128.7423, "Salary50": 68252.1006, "Salary75": 75286.3125, "Salary90": 81690.5949, "Comp10": 57260.8285, "Comp25": 63277.4648, "Comp50": 69885.9014, "Comp75": 77720.2083, "Comp90": 84852.9354, "BonusTarget50": 4095.126, "BonusTargetAvg": 4504.6386, "CurrencyCode": "USD", "DataScope_IndustryCode": "52", "DataScope_IndustryName": "Finance and Insurance", "DataScope_FTERange": "101-200", "DataScope_CountryCode": "USA", "DataScope_Region": "Northeast", "DataScope_State": "MA", "DataScope_City": "Boston", "JobFamilyName": "Accountants and Financial Personnel", "JobLevelName": "Entry (I)" }, { "SubRequestID": "2", "MatchRating": "Confident", "Salary10": 67006.5856, "Salary25": 74077.1885, "Salary50": 81843.2605, "Salary75": 90570.0902, "Salary90": 98515.4126, "Comp10": 68074.7302, "Comp25": 75916.8802, "Comp50": 84530.3893, "Comp75": 94626.8736, "Comp90": 103819.1951, "BonusTarget50": 6474.232, "BonusTargetAvg": 6496.2007, "CurrencyCode": "USD", "DataScope_IndustryCode": "52", "DataScope_IndustryName": "Finance and Insurance", "DataScope_RevenueRange": "5000001-10000000", "DataScope_CountryCode": "USA", "DataScope_Region": "Northeast", "DataScope_State": "MA", "DataScope_City": "Boston", "JobFamilyName": "Accountants and Financial Personnel", "JobLevelName": "Intermediate (II)" } ] }
404 HTTP Status Code
{ "Code": -1, "Data": [ { "SubRequestID": "1", "ErrorMessage": "SubRequestID for each subrequest must be unique, duplicate SubRequestID: 1." }, { "SubRequestID": "1", "ErrorMessage": "SubRequestID for each subrequest must be unique, duplicate SubRequestID: 1." } ] }
200 HTTP Status Code
If one of the JSON objects contains valid data but a second is missing the SubRequestID, data will still be returned for the valid objects.
..... { "ErrorMessage": "The SubRequestID field is required." }
200 HTTP Status Code
{ "Code": -1, "Message": "Batch subrequest limit exceeded. Only 200 subrequest allowed in each API call." }