Returns all composites in the CompAnalyst account.
Authorization: Bearer {AccessToken}
IsReturnDraft : the default value when this parameter is not passed is 0. This means only official composites are returned. Set IsReturnDraft=1 to return both draft and official composties.
IsReturnAllStatuses : the default value when this parameter is not passed is 0. This means only approved composites are returned. Set IsReturnAllStatuses=1 to return all composites in all statuses (e.g., In Progress, Completed, Approved).
ReturnUpdateDateBefore and ReturnUpdateDateAfter : only include records updated within the defined range. Accepts ISO date and time format (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss). Paramaters and be used together or independently.
IsReturnEmployeesOnly: by default return all composites. Set to 1 to only return composites with employees attached to them. See “IncumNo” in response.
IsReturnAll: return all results in a single page if set to 1. This is the default value when not passed. Set to 0 and use PageSize and PageIndex params for pagination.
PageSize: integer, for pagination, this is number of records in a page.
PageIndex: integer, for pagination, this is page number.
Refer to Composites
curl --request GET \ --url --header 'Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>'
[ { "TotalPages": 8, "TotalRows": 743, "CompanyJobCode": "ACCTP1", "CompanyJobTitle": "Accountant I", "TierCode": "New York City", "TierDesc": "New York City", "CompositeEffectiveDate": "2024-01-01T00:00:00", "CompositeAgingFct": 0.03000, "CompositeAgingRules": "Age survey data to 01/01/2024 using aging factor 3.00(Tier Level Override)", "CompositeStatusCode": 2, "CompositeStatusDesc": "Approved", "DifferentialNames": null, "IsSalaried": true, "IsBenchmarkJob": false, "PremiumDiscount": 0.00000, "LastUpdateDate": "2022-12-20T18:39:34.98", "UName": "UName", "IsDraft": 0, "IncumNo": 4, "CreateBy": "New Admin", "CreateDate": "2021-10-12T07:07:33.567", "CurrencyCode": "USD", "CompositeMRP": 90144.6885, "CompositeMRPLabel": "Base 50th", "IncumbentAveragePay": 74450.7550, "IncumbentAverageTCC": 85937.6350, "IncumbentAverageTDC": 87833.8925, "Salary25": 81774.1725, "Salary50": 90144.6885, "Salary75": 99981.3847, "SalaryAvg": 91486.3275, "Comp25": 83407.8299, "Comp50": 92598.4950, "Comp75": 103034.9493, "CompAvg": 93779.2697, "BonusTargetPercent50": 0.06000, "LTIEligiblePercent": 0.04300, "TotalCost25": 86680.6198, "TotalCost50": 95553.3720, "TotalCost75": 105980.2762, "LTIValue50": 7835.2837 }, { "TotalPages": 8, "TotalRows": 743, "CompanyJobCode": "ACCTP1", "CompanyJobTitle": "Accountant I", "TierCode": "San Francisco", "TierDesc": "San Francisco", "CompositeEffectiveDate": "2024-01-01T00:00:00", "CompositeAgingFct": 0.03000, "CompositeAgingRules": "Age survey data to 01/01/2024 using aging factor 3.00(Tier Level Override)", "CompositeStatusCode": 2, "CompositeStatusDesc": "Approved", "DifferentialNames": null, "IsSalaried": true, "IsBenchmarkJob": false, "PremiumDiscount": 0.00000, "LastUpdateDate": "2022-12-20T18:39:34.98", "UName": "UName", "IsDraft": 0, "IncumNo": 13, "CreateBy": "New Admin", "CreateDate": "2021-10-12T07:07:33.567", "CurrencyCode": "USD", "CompositeMRP": 97948.9697, "CompositeMRPLabel": "Base 50th", "IncumbentAveragePay": 63760.5908, "IncumbentAverageTCC": 84720.9769, "IncumbentAverageTDC": 85762.1985, "Salary25": 87735.3377, "Salary50": 97948.9697, "Salary75": 108150.4721, "SalaryAvg": 98235.7869, "Comp25": 89605.2853, "Comp50": 100343.7652, "Comp75": 111440.7802, "CompAvg": 100576.7906, "BonusTargetPercent50": 0.06000, "LTIEligiblePercent": 0.04300, "TotalCost25": 92999.4528, "TotalCost50": 103825.9034, "TotalCost75": 114639.4929, "LTIValue50": 8513.7609 } ]