CompanyJobCode: A unique code assigned to the job position within the company.
CompanyJobTitle: The title or name of the job position.
TierCode: A code representing the geographic region, office, or market in which the job is located.
TierDesc: A descriptive name of the geographic region, office, or market.
CompositeEffectiveDate: The date from which the composite job data is effective.
CompositeAgingFct: The aging factor applied to adjust survey data to account for market trends or inflation. Expressed as a decimal.
CompositeAgingRules: A description of the rules and factors used to age the survey data to the effective date.
CompositeStatusCode: A numeric code indicating the status of the composite job data. -1=Not Started; 0=In Progress; 1=Completed; 2=Approved.
CompositeStatusDesc: A descriptive label for the status of the composite job data. -1=Not Started; 0=In Progress; 1=Completed; 2=Approved.
CompositeTemplateName: The name of the template used for the composite job data, which determines the structure applied to the composite data.
DifferentialNames: The name of any pay differential (such as location or skill-based differentials) applied to the job. This can be null if no differential is applied.
IsSalaried: Indicates whether the job is salaried (true) or hourly (false).
IsBenchmarkJob: Indicates whether the job is considered a benchmark job.
PremiumDiscount: A premium or discount factor applied to the job's compensation data.
LastUpdateDate: The last date when the composite job data was updated.
UName: The name of the user that last updated the job’s composite data.
IsDraft: Indicates whether the composite job data is a draft (1) or not (0).
IncumNo: The number of incumbents (employees) currently holding this job title.
CreateBy: The name of the user that created the composite job data.
CreateDate: The date and time when the composite job data was created.
CurrencyCode: The currency code (ISO 4217) used for all monetary values in the job composite data.
CompositeMRP: The market reference point (MRP) for the job, representing the money value of composite MRP label.
CompositeMRPLabel: A label describing the MRP data point. E.g. Base Salary 50 percentile.
IncumbentAveragePay: The average base pay for incumbents currently holding the job.
IncumbentAverageTCC: The average total cash compensation (base pay + bonus) for incumbents currently holding the job.
IncumbentAverageTDC: The average total direct compensation (TCC + long-term incentives) for incumbents currently holding the job.
Salary10, 25, 50, 75, 90, Avg: The different percentile base salary for the job’s composite.
Comp10, 25, 50, 75, 90, Avg: The different percentile total cash compensation for the job’s composite.
BonusTargetPercent50, Avg: The target bonus percentage for the composite data of the job, based on the 50th percentile/Average.
LTIEligiblePercent: The percentage of composites eligible for long-term incentives.
TotalCost25, 50, 75: The different percentile target total cash compensation for the job’s composite.
LTIValue50: The median (50 percentile) long-term incentive (LTI) value for the job’s composite data.
UDFCcdDCM01 to UDFCcdDCM10: decimal(18,5) - User defined fields.
UDFCcdITG01 to UDFCcdITG10: int - User defined fields.
UDFCcdTXM01 to UDFCcdTXM05: nvarchar(100) - User defined fields.
UDFCcdTXS01 to UDFCcdTXS05: nvarchar(50) - User defined fields.