Company Jobs
- CompanyJobCode: nvarchar(100) - Code uniquely identifying the company job.
- CompanyJobTitle: nvarchar(250) - Title or name of the company job.
- JobFamily: nvarchar(200) - Family to which the job belongs.
- JobFunction: nvarchar(50) - Function to which the job belongs.
- JobFocus: nvarchar(50) - Focus to which the job belongs.
- JobLevel: nvarchar(50) - Level to which the job belongs.
- CompanyJobDesc: nvarchar(max) - Description of the company job.
- JobFLSAStatus: nvarchar(20) - Status of the job under the Fair Labor Standards Act.
- Department: nvarchar(200) - Department associated with the job.
- EEOCategorycode: int - Field that specifies the EEO Job Category.
- JobCode: nvarchar(10) - The CompAnalyst Market Job code matched to this company job.
- JobMatchCode: nvarchar(10) - Code used for job matching.
- JM01 Job Has Less Responsibility
- JM02 Job Has Equal Responsibility
- JM03 Job Has Greater Responsibility
- JobAdjustment: decimal(18,5) - Adjustment applied to the job to match to CAMD job.
- JobAdjustmentComment: nvarchar(100) - Comment associated with job adjustment.
- JobTypeCode: int - Code identifying the type of CAMD job. 0=CAMD Job, 1=Hybrid job, 2=Adjust job.
- AlterCompanyJobCode: nvarchar(100) - Code for altering the company job, only appear when this company job is a draft job.
- IsDraft: int - Indicator for whether the job is a draft job.
- AvgEmpSalary: money - Average of employee salary for this job.
- UID: user ID of CompAnalyst account.
- LastUpdateDate: date and time when the job record was last updated or modified.
- UDFCmjTXL01 to UDFCmjTXL10: nvarchar(max) - User defined fields.
- UDFCmjTXM01 to UDFCmjTXM03: nvarchar(100) - User defined fields.
- UDFCmjTXS01 to UDFCmjTXS08: nvarchar(50) - User defined fields.
- UDFCmjDCM01 to UDFCmjDCM05: decimal(18,5) - User defined fields.
- UDFCmjLST01 to UDFCmjLST05: nvarchar(500) - User defined fields.
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